I have a selectable KendoUI grid in my MVC app. I want to do something when the user double-clicks on the grid. I don't see a double-click event for the grid.

24 янв 2016 ... Kendo UI Framework. 241 ...... public int GetRNDIndex(Random rnd, double[] temp). { double[] vers = temp; ......{|n| n['type'] == many}.group_by { |t| ...... В поле Grid Manager прописывается путь к серверу ...... являются устройствами с ограниченным набором функций (Reduced function.

I have a selectable KendoUI grid in my MVC app. I want to do something when the user double-clicks on the grid. I don't see a double-click event for the grid.

26 июл 2017 ... For IE11, the UI has been changed to provide just the controls needed to ... Right click in the IE toolbar heading and choose to turn on the ...

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Тип события – может быть как своим, так и встроенным, к примеру "click" . ... событий интерфейса которые можно найти в спецификации UI Event:.

A user is able to select a base ... 25 templates, UI Kit et mockups gratuits en PSD pour finir le mois d'Avril .... Pick this responsive Charity Events Joomla Theme carefully crafted for non-profit websites, and .... 'A day back from the beach' Landscape taken with double exposure .... Кэндо, Самурайское Тату, Самурайское.

Kontakt – International Theatre Festival - Event Poster Design by Radek Staniec ..... COM, where you can get delicious rich, smooth, double strength coffee beans! ..... Editorial Design — Designspiration-Page Layout-I like the grid that is used for ..... Geometric running man vector art illustration - Tap the pin if you love super ...

I have a Kendo UI Grid on a page and I'd like to allow the user to double-click a row to start editing it. I have the following JS code to detect a double-click...

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I want to replace the single click editing functionality on kendo ui grid into double click. The settings i want to keep are: selectable: "multiple, row"...

Добавляется в базу и обновляется grid. А когда .... Ошибка при попытке добавления записи в бд используя DropDownListFor C# MVC. При попытке ...

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